The Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web (WebMedia) is the main scientific event of the theme in Brazil and an excellent opportunity for scientific and technical exchange among students, researchers and professionals in the areas of Multimedia, Hypermedia and Web. In 2022, we will celebrate the 28th. edition of WebMedia in Curitiba-PR, Brazil, from November 7th to 11th, 2022. The symposium will be organized this year by the Federal University of Technology – Paraná.
We invite the research community to share research experiences and results by submitting technical papers that describe solutions to advance the state-of-the-art in Multimedia, Hypermedia and Web. Submitted papers will be evaluated in terms of originality, technical quality, relevance, presentation (organization, style, and clarity) and suitability of references to works in the state-of-the-art of the approached themes.
Each (full or short) paper will be revised by a minimum of three Program Committee members and invited specialists. The presentation of each accepted paper will be made in person in Curitiba – PR, Brazil. ..
Authors may submit full or short papers. Full papers, limited to 13 pages without considering references, shall report substantial research based on fully developed results. Short papers (up to 6 pages excluding references), may describe ongoing efforts, containing partial results.
Papers must present their main contribution in the areas of multimedia, hypermedia and the Web, and may be related, among others, to the following topics of interest:
Papers can be written in Portuguese or English. Papers written in Portuguese should have both the title and abstract in English and, optionally, the abstract in Portuguese. This is a requirement of ACM, so even if it is written in Portuguese, the paper must have a title and abstract in English.
Papers should be written to allow double-blind review. Thus authors’ identifications must be replaced by “removed for double-blind review” both at the beginning of the article and in any references to their previous work.
Authors are encouraged to review previous WebMedia publications to see if their theme fits the symposium’s lines of interest. Also, consider the pertinence of including references to related works presented in previous editions of WebMedia, to assist the reviewers in evaluating the contribution, in particular, in the scope of WebMedia.
The event proceedings, containing full and short articles, will be published in the ACM Digital Library .
Papers must be registered onJEMS and submitted in PDF format.
All submissiont must follow the AMC LaTeX template.Attention: the command \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} must be used to create a paper in single column format and without the author’s identification.
We advise authors to consult the following ACM guidelines:
Jussara Marques de Almeida (UFMG)
Humberto Torres Marques Neto (PUC Minas)