Workshop on the Future of Interactive Digital TV

The Workshop on the Future of Interactive Digital TV  (WTVDI) is motivated by the emerging need for discussions on a (r)evolution of television services, so that they can become capable to deliver enhanced experiences to the end user on the consumption of multimedia content.

Nowadays it is noticeable that Interactive Digital TV did not find its popularization nor its killer applications yet, and on the other hand, services with similar technological base are evolving, like IPTV (Internet Protocol Television), Digital Signage, Video OTTs (Over-the-top), ILE (Immersive Live Experiences), Multiple Sensorial Media (Mulsemedia), and others.

Considering the WebMedia Community’s expertise in the various aspects that represent the foundation of those and future multimedia services and considering the recent initiatives to extend the Ginga Middleware for supporting a wide integration between broadcast content delivery and broadband delivery (IBB – Integrated Broadcast-Broadband), we invite everyone to join this discussion about the future of Ginga and Interactive TV as a whole.

The discussions will be driven by written contributions, which may take the form of conceptual and/or practical proposals. Contributions must have 2 to 4 pages and describe why and how any of the Brazilian Digital TV System (SBTVD) components, including the Ginga Middleware, should be modified for a significant enhancement in the end user experience, even if it may disrupt the current standards. Download the WTVDI contribution template here. For the final version, please submit your contribution using the WTVDI ACM format.

Contributions will be evaluated taking into account their form only. The intention is to carry out free discussions about every proposal submitted with just minimal arguments. The workshop can be seen as a brainstorming guided by the contributions received, which will compose its agenda.

Some examples of concepts and techniques that could be incorporated into SBTVD for the enhancement of TV consumption experience include but are not limited to:

– Ultra high definition video, scalable video, multi-sourced layers
– Cracking the linearity of broadcast programming
– Television content personalization, user-centric broadcasting, metadata
– User-generated content
– Seamless experiences, from multi-source content discovery up to switching
– Seamless experiences independently of access devices
– Sensory effects, mulsemedia
– Smart environments, e-health, Internet of Things
– Virtual reality and augmented reality
– 360º video, free viewpoint video
– Immersive audio and interactivity
– Voice, gesture, eye tracking interaction and multimodal interaction
– Artificial Intelligence
– Accessibility
– Rethinking the broadcasting spectrum, cracking the unidirectional signal
– 5G broadcasting

WTVDI will result in a WebMedia Community’s positioning report on the future of Interactive TV. Contributions selected by the workshop participants will also be considered as proposals to IPTV-related ITU-T Recommendations, such as the ITU-T H.720 series (IPTV Terminal Devices), H.730 (IPTV Terminal Middleware), H.740 (IPTV Application Event Handling), H.750 (IPTV Metadata), H.760 (Multimedia Application Frameworks for IPTV) and H.770 (Service Discovery and Selection).

WTVDI is a continuation to the series of Workshops on Interactive Digital TV (WTVDI) held in previous editions (2005, 20010, 2014) and the Workshop on Synchronization of Things (WSoT) (2016).

Contributions may be written in English or Portuguese and must follow the template specifications, containing 4 (four) pages maximum. The papers must be submitted exclusively in PDF format via the JEMS Portal.


Submission due dates can be found in the Important Dates webpage.


Marcelo Ferreira Moreno (UFJF)
Débora Christina Muchaluat Saade (UFF)
Guido Lemos de Souza Filho (UFPB)