Keynote Speakers

International Invited Speakers

What so spatial (and also temporal) about context-aware applications?

Jérôme Gensel (University Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble Informatics Laboratory)


Nowadays, by interacting with embedded GPS sensors, many so-called context-aware applications available on smartphones make use of the location of their mobile users (through location-based services, for instance). This talk will present some of the more representative types of context-aware applications and then put the emphasis on the different steps in the exploitation of space and time, as two particular and essential dimensions of the context of use. The focus will be put on the location acquisition by means of sensors, on the abstraction or representation models dedicated to space and time, on the storage and indexing of both spatial and temporal data, on the formulation of spatio-temporal requests, and, finally, on the way of displaying space and time simultaneously with other data dimensions. Some examples of context-aware applications coming from several projects developed in our research group will be given as illustrations.

Social Multimedia: in search of togetherness

Dr. Pablo Cesar (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, national research center for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands)


Social networking and social interactions are challenging old conceptions in the multimedia landscape, transforming the passive multimedia consumer of the past into an active source of information and media content. This recent shift is originating a new set of unprecedented multimedia shared experiences, which are the focus of this talk. Based on the knowledge gained in a number of projects (in particular TA2:, we will illustrate novel scenarios such as social TV, domestic video-conferencing, video creation and sharing, and 3D tele-immersion. We will provide insights on the technical requirements, architectural aspects, and evaluation techniques. The talk will conclude with an exhaustive analysis of the challenges ahead. As we will show in this talk, current developments in multimedia require multi-disciplinary solutions, where the final goal is to provide effective communication between people separated in space and/or time.

National Invited Speakers Broadband Mutimedia Service for Social Inclusion (in Portuguese only)

Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares(PUC-Rio - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro)


This talk will focus on possibilities of research and innovation, with the resulting technology transfer and job creation, in the implementation of an experimental infrastructure for interconnection and interoperability of new multimedia services of public utility, seeking social inclusion. In particular, emphasis will be given to IPTV services be based on the H.721 (Ginga-NCL) standard for IPTV.

Transmedia Storytelling and the narrative revolution on entertaiment and education (in Portuguese only)

Maurício Rodrigues Motta (The Alchemists)


How Transmedia Storytelling, discipline created by Henry Jenkins in 2006 at the MIT, is changing how we tell stories and educate people around the world.

Internet-based Statistics - The ICT Web Project (in Portuguese only)

Alexandre Barbosa (


The presentation explores the possibilities of generating statistics and indicators from the web. The ICT Web project will be detailed, whose goal is to build indicators on the characteristics of the Brazilian Web.

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