

The Brazilian Symposium of Collaborative Systems (SBSC) is an event promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society that aims to discuss the development and use of tools to support human collaboration. Examples of collaborative systems studied in the SBSC are social networks, collaborative software development environments, file sharing systems, virtual worlds, cooperative editors, wikis, knowledge management systems, and communication tools, like videoconference and blogs. As these systems are largely spread nowadays, theoretical and empirical studies of techniques, technologies, and models relevant for the development and use of collaborative systems are increasingly important.

Collaborative systems research comprises several subareas of the computer science, such as Software Engineering, Database Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems, Computer Graphics, Human-computer Interaction, Multimedia Systems, and Distributed Systems. To deal with non-technical issues subareas of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Education, Linguistic, among others, find in the SBSC opportunities for contributions.

In its 9th year, the SBSC became the most important Brazilian forum for researchers, students, and practitioners discuss this interdisciplinary area.