SWIB 2010

Belo Horizonte - 5 a 8 de outubro de 2010

SWIB 2010

"Pela primeira vez estes quatro grandes eventos ocorrem paralelamente em uma mesma cidade, Belo Horizonte."


The Brazilian Symposium of Human Factors on Computer Systems (IHC) is the main forum of the Brazilian Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community. This symposium brings together researchers, industry professionals, educators and students of various HCI-related disciplines, such as Computer Science, Psychology, Ergonomics and Graphic Design, among others.

The last edition, in 2008, celebrated the 10th anniversary of HCI events in Brazil. The community discussed the great advances in this period, the birth of a generation of researchers, the integration of usability and accessibility subjects into the governmental technological policies, as well as the awareness of the industry to the importance of user-centered design practices.

Despite these advances, much remains to be done. Our daily relations with interactive systems demand deepen studies to improve this communication. We must not only to research and to discuss new ways to interact with interactive systems (and all aspects related to them), but also new forms of interaction from interactive systems, and especially that these forms should be effective, efficient and available to everyone.

So we invite the community to attend this year event submitting work to the various categories and/or attending the event to discuss the progress and needs of the area.

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  • Idiomas

  • Transfer/Transporte

    Local e data

    • Belo Horizonte-MG
    • De 5 a 8 de outubro de 2010
    • Dayrell Hotel e Centro de Convenções
    • Rua Espírito Santo, 901 – Centro
    • Belo Horizonte/MG

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