The Tools and Applications Workshop has traditionally been promoted as an integrated session to WebMedia. The session is an important forum where members of academia and industry can present their latest tools, prototypes, applications and demonstrations. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two members of the WFA program committee and the selected papers will be presented during WebMedia 2019. With a more practical approach, in WFA there is an emphasis on the demonstration of applications and tools, in the experience of their development, in issues of deployment and use, and also in the perspectives created by them.
You are invited to submit papers on topics of interest to WebMedia/WFA, which are the same as the main conference. Articles describing tools/applications should be submitted electronically through the JEMS/SBC system.
This year, the accepted articles will be presented in technical sessions, demonstrated in practice and the authors will have the opportunity to present, in the form of pitch , their tools or applications to a bank of specialists in entrepreneurship and innovation. In this sense, we will have a great Show of Innovations in Webmedia 2019.
It is strongly recommended that authors provide a site, or a download link or demo video of their tools/applications up to the evaluation period of the article. URLs must be disclosed in the submitted article.
Articles submitted to the WebMedia Tools and Applications Workshop must be original, and can not be submitted simultaneously in other conferences or periodicals, nor have they been previously published. The final acceptance is conditioned to the registration in WebMedia 2019 of at least one of the authors, who must present the work.
The article presenting the tool/application should contain a clear description
– os the application/tool goals;
– of its architecture;
– of its main features;
– the type of its license;
– of the perspectives created by it (e.g. purely academic, social, commercial use).
Papers can have up to 5 pages, including all figures, references and attachments, and should follow the ACM/Webmedia format. Articles can be submitted in English or Portuguese. All articles must be in PDF format.
Approved tools/applications should be demonstrated at a specific moment during the conference schedule, as they will be presented in the form of a pitch, a 3 to 5 minutes oral presentation aimed at convincing the public and the bank of experts in innovation and entrepreneurship about the tools/applications differentials in terms of innovation and business, whether these are commercial or social. Details will be sent to the authors of the selected papers. Authors of the best tools/applications will receive certificates and/or awards.
Another great action promoted by WFA this year is its integration with the IV LF Computing Award. The LF Prize, named after Professor Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares (In Memorian), one of the greatest names in Brazilian computer history, aims to give teachers and students involved in projects that use ICT for IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOCIETY. During WFA the works competing for the LF Award will be presented in a special session. The award for the award winners will be handed out in the ceremony for best papers from Webmedia 2019. Click here for the Call of Proposals to compete for the LF 2019 Award.
Important Dates
Submission dates can be found on the important dates page.
Carlos André Guimarães Ferraz (UFPE)
Glauco Amorim (CEFET/RJ)
Program Committee
Adriano Pereira – UFMG
Alan Guedes – Puc-Rio
André Neves – UFPE
Carlos Ferraz – UFPE
Cassio Prazeres – UFBA
Celso Alberto Saibel Santos – UFES
Daniela Brauner – UFRGS
Eduardo Albuquerque – UFG
Eduardo Barrére – UFJF
Fabio de Jesus Lima Gomes – IFPI
Fernando Trinta – UFC
Frank Siqueira – UFSC
Frederico Durao – UFBA
Glauco Amorim – CEFET/RJ
Graça Bressan – USP
Joberto Martins – UNIFACS
Kiev Gama – UFPE
Manoel Marques – IFBA
Mario Godoy Neto – UNIVASF
Mario Teixeira – UFMA
Renata Galante – UFRGS
Renato Bulcão Neto – UFG
Roberto Willrich – UFSC
Rossana Andrade – UFC
Rudinei Goularte – USP
Valdecir Becker – UFPB
Windson Viana – UFC