Short Courses

The WebMedia short courses are divided into two groups. The first group introduces current research topics and the second group introduces media and web technology related to the symposium in a practical and didactic way. All short courses, presented in Portuguese, should target undergraduate and postgraduate students, and/or professional in the market.


Information to Authors

Proposals will be accepted for short courses lasting four hours. They should be limited to 4 (four) pages, including the following items:

– Resume;
– Target audience, with specification and justification of requisites;
– Summary with explanatory text of what will be covered in each topic;
– Justification of course interest for the target audience;
– Short biographies of the authors;
– An indication of which author will teach the course;
– Audiovisual resources required. If you need a lab, this should be well specified to check if there are any available at the event location.


Important Dates

Submission dates can be found on the important dates page.



All papers must be submitted electronically by the JEMS System.


Important Info

Group 1 short courses

Each group 1 selected author should produce the following:

a) A 35-50 page Portuguese text that will be part of an electronic book (pdf) dedicated to the short courses of the event, with due registration of ISBN. This book will be distributed for free and should have a more didactic approach. The format of the Portuguese text must conform to the modified SBC format for WebMedia for book chapters. DOC or LATEX (by Professor Marcos Alves Vieira).

b) A four-page English text with the chapter summary. This summary will be available in the ACM Digital Library. The abstract format must conform to the ACM template.

c) An English text between 25 and 30 pages, with a more technical approach. This text will be published as a book chapter in Springer after the event. This text is optional.

d) Slides (in PDF and PPT/PPTX format).

Group 2 short courses:

Each group 2 selected author should produce the following:

a) Slides (in PDF and PPT/PPTX formats).
b) Article with a detailed script of the short course practices (PDF and Doc formats).
c) Videos (Screen Videos) with demonstrations of practices used in the short course.
d) Material for the practical activities of the short courses (codes, etc).

Groups 1 and 2:

All the complementary didactic material will be made available in a public repository for access during and after the short course.

All short courses will be recorded in audio and video. These recordings will be made available in a public repository for access after the short course. For this, it is fundamental that the authors must, at the time of submission, sign the term agreeing to the availability of the material.

Funding support to the authors

This year we are pleased to announce that the Special Committee on Multimedia and Web Systems (CE-WebMedia) has the financial resources to provide the following cost help to the authors of the selected papers. Detailed instructions on the conditions of the aid will be displayed on the student support page.

As in previous editions, when submitting a paper, at least one of its authors must register for the Symposium and present the course, if accepted.

Papers can be written in Portuguese or English. Works in Portuguese should include abstract in English and, optionally, abstract in Portuguese. Accepted papers will be published in an electronic book (with ISBN).

The topics for submission of short courses are the same as for the call for papers, but are not limited to them.



Manoel Carvalho Marques Neto (IFBA)
Glauco Fiorott Amorim (CEFET/RJ)