Título: IoT Evolution: Internet of Everything and Next steps for enabling IoT ecosystems
Resumo: The Internet of Things (IoT) landscape is currently populated by a wide spectrum of technologies and applications. The IoT solution providers are currently focused on providing ways for user acceptance and further user-centric applications development. While IoT has run a consolidation period in the technology, still the application side will run a long way to have big business markets and ecosystems deployed. A long run for getting users acceptance that will pay for services is yet there acting as major challenge. In the other hand IoT technology has been there since early 80´s and the limitation in technology and the high cost on materials and manufacturing generated that building IoT ecosystem(s) stopped the grow at that early stage. In this talk we will go through todays’ IoT technology and economy conditions according with new trends and recently introduced innovation market directions (where technology has evolved and manufacturing cost being reduced) to discuss and identify IoT emergent technologies and better channels for user acceptance and large deployments in global user communities. We will discuss and identify that by building IoT systems and re-using deployed technologies will mark the difference using today’s user experience and accelerating tomorrow’s user acceptance that is reflected in return on investment for IoT ecosystems/markets.
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. J. Martin Serrano Orozco (National University of Ireland)
Dr. Martin Serrano is the research director and scientific coordinator ofthe Internet of Things Unit (UIoT) within the Insight Centre for DataAnalytics Galway (former DERI) at the National University of Ireland. Dr.Serrano is an ICT expert with more than 15 years experience in industry andapplied research within a wide range of successful European (FP5-FP7/H2020)collaborative software projects, Irish National Projects (HEA PRTLI, SFI)and also Enterprise Ireland (EI) innovation projects. He also leads FutureInternet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) activities and IoT industrialinnovation targeted projects. Dr. Serrano is a recognized IoT Expert with astrong background on applied semantic and systems interoperability, servicesand network management technologies. Dr. Serrano has been included in thelist of top 25 key people influencing the Internet of Things (,He has a leading role in the European Research Cluster for the IoT and he isboard member at the Connected Smart Cities Network. Dr. Serrano is acontinuous contributor to the Scientific, Research and Innovation agenda forEurope. He is also actively investigating, Semantic-based CloudInfrastructures and Big Data Management. Data Bases Stream processing,Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Control, Privacy and Security aspects for IoT,Sensor Networks for the IoT and their deployment in cloud computingenvironments. Dr. Serrano is an active member of IEEE (Computer andCommunication Societies) and ACM and He is the author of the book “AppliedOntology Engineering in Cloud Services, Networks and Management Systems”published by Springer, NY, USA.
Título: Challenges on the Quality of the Web of Data
Resumo: The Linked Data principles promote publishing data and interlinking them in a machine-readable manner using Web standards. Linked Data, along with the other Semantic Web technologies, allows data to be interlinked and reused across organizational boundaries instead of being data silos used by a single organization. Quality is well recognized as a crucial need across domains (e.g., health, security, civil engineering), and in order to provide high quality products and services, the specification and evaluation of quality is of high importance. Furthermore, while the literature describes different definitions of data quality, the general notion is that data quality is tightly connected to the use and usefulness of data. Therefore, with an increasing amount of data available on the Web as Linked Data, the quality of datasets in such Web of Data is of high concern. Various initiatives exist with a common goal of defining the quality of Linked Data and evaluating Linked Data datasets. Quality assessment in these initiatives, however, is quite diverse since different authors focus on different aspects of Linked Data, i.e., on different characteristics (e.g., completeness, licensing, accuracy) and on different measures for these characteristics (e.g., missing links, indication of attribution, semantically incorrect values). In this talk we will discuss current trends and challenges on the specification and assessment of Linked Data quality. We will start from the Linked Data principles and the set of recommended practices to publish open data on the Web and will end discussing the challenges in terms of quality that the decentralized, dynamic and social nature of the Web of Data brings.
Palestrantes: Prof. Dr. Raúl García-Castro (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Raúl García-Castro is Assistant Professor at the Computer Science School at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. After three years as a software engineer, since he graduated in Computer Science (2003) he has been working at UPM in the Ontology Engineering Group in a wide range of European and Spanish research projects as well as in different collaborations with the industry. His research focuses on ontological engineering, on ontology-based data and application integration, and on the benchmarking of semantic technologies. In 2008 he obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the UPM with his thesis titled “Benchmarking Semantic Web technology”, which obtained the Ph.D. Extraordinary Award at UPM. He has authored more than 90 publications and regularly participates in standardization bodies (W3C, ETSI, AENOR, OASIS) and in the program committees of the conferences and workshops that are most relevant in his field. Since 2015 he is member of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Knowledge Capture and since 2012 he is the Europe Liaison of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. Furthermore, he is member of the Editorial Board of 3 journals and has edited 2 special issues in journals. He has collaborated in the organization of 16 international conferences, 4 international workshops, 3 summer schools (being the Director of the 1st Summer School on Smart Cities and Linked Open Data), 3 VoCamps, and 5 tutorials in conferences.
Título: Interactive and Immersive Media Experiences
Resumo: Media has the potential to engage viewers perceptually, cognitively and emotionally, by appealing to several senses with rich information. Immersive media can go beyond, with a stronger impact on users’ emotions and their sense of presence and engagement. Immersion may be influenced by sensory or perceptual modalities, surround effect, and vividness through resolution, associated with the sense of presence, the viewer’s conscious feeling of being inside the virtual world, or alternate reality; and by participation and social immersion in the media chain, increasing the sense of belonging.Increasingly, technology is supporting capturing, producing, sharing and accessing information from users’ own perspectives and experiences, on the internet, in social media, and through video on demand services in interactive TV and the web. We have been witnessing an increase in the amount of content and range of devices for capturing, viewing and sensing, many of them mobile, allowing richer and more natural multimodal interactions, and offering tremendous opportunities for immersion,user participation and personalization. These developments have been promoting the emergence of a new participatory paradigm and enabling new perceptual user experiences that provide more realistic, engaging and immersive involvement. In this keynote, I will present insights from human studies, addressing dimensions like perception, cognition, and emotions, along with design and technological approaches and innovations for immersion, illustrated in interactive and immersive media applications. Several examples will be based on our own projects and research, in interactive videos and movies, immersive TV, digital art, and media for wellbeing, contextualized in a broader perspective.I will conclude by highlighting potential benefits and challenges, along with some of the trends and research directions that have beenshared and are emerging in the area.
Palestrante: Profa. Dra. Maria Teresa Caeiro Chambel (Universidade de Lisboa)
Teresa Chambel is a professor at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon in Portugal (DI-FCUL), and a senior researcher of the Human-Computer Interaction and Multimedia group at the Lasige Lab. She graduated in Computer Science at FCUL, in 1988, with a final research project in Artificial Intelligence: Expert Systems for Intelligent Buildings, at LNEC; has a master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from IST, with a thesis on Distributed Hypermedia; and a PhD in Informatics from FCUL, on Video, Hypermedia and Learning Technology. Along the years, she has also been taking some courses in topics related with psychology, pedagogy and design. She is teaching at DI-FCUL since her final year as an undergraduate student in 1987, was a member of the Artificial Intelligence Research Group, at LNEC, in 1987-88, a member of the TIM – Multimedia and Interaction Techniques Group, at INESC, 1992-97, and is a member of the HCIM – Human Computer Interaction and Multimedia Team of LaSIGE – Large Scale Informatic Systems Laboratory, since its foundation in 1998. She was a founding partner of OnTV – “Sistemas e Serviços de Televisão Interactiva, SA.”, later integrated in the Interactive Television division at Novabase, having participated in the launching of Interactive TV in Portugal, 2000-05. She has also been collaborating with the industry in the context of research projects and the supervision of students.
Her research interests include Multimedia and Hypermedia, with a special emphasis on Video and Hypervideo, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Creativity, Immersion, Visualization, Accessibi-lity, Cognition and Emotions, Wellbeing, Interactive TV, e-Learning, Digital Talking Books and Digital Art. In these areas, she has been teaching, working in research projects, supervising students, authored around 130 conference or journal papers and book chapters, and also participated in the organization and program committees of several workshops, conferences and journals, mainly in HCI and Multimedia, including ACM Multimedia, TVX, CHI, IUI, etc. She was Program Chair for the Area of Multimedia Art, Entertainment and Culture at ACM Multimedia in 2014, and the Area of Multimedia HCI and Quality of Experience in 2016; has co-chaired the three editions of the Immersive Media Experiences workshop at ACM Multimedia 2013-2015, is co-chairing the AltMM 2016 | Multimedia Alternate Realities workshop at ACM Multimedia 2016; and is a member of the ACM TVX Steering Committee since 2016. With students, she received the best paper award at EuroiTV’2011 (ACM TVX since 2014). Website: .
Título: Migração de Aplicações Web Tradicionais para Ambientes de Computação em Nuvem: uma visão arquitetural e econômica
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Mario Antonio Meireles Teixeira (UFMA)
Possui graduação em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão (1992), mestrado (1997) e doutorado (2004) em Ciências da Computação e Matemática Computacional pela Universidade de São Paulo. Possui Pós-doutorado pela Boston University (2015). Atualmente é Professor Associado da Universidade Federal do Maranhão e docente permanente dos Mestrados em Ciência da Computação e Design da mesma Universidade, além de Secretário Regional da SBC para o Maranhão. Tem experiência na área de Ciência da Computação, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: sistemas distribuídos, serviços web, tv digital, multimídia e computação em nuvem.
Título: O Ecossistema de Governança da Internet – Onde Estamos e o Caminho à Frente
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Flavio Rech Wagner (UFRGS)
Possui graduação em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1975), mestrado em Ciência da Computação pela mesma universidade (1977) e doutorado em Informática pela Universidade de Kaiserslautern, Alemanha (1983). Atualmente é Professor Titular do Instituto de Informática da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, ocupando o cargo de Diretor do Parque Científico e Tecnológico da UFRGS. Foi presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação e ocupou diversas outras funções em sua diretoria. Foi membro do Comitê da Área de Computação na CAPES e, por dois mandatos, do Comitê Assessor de Ciência da Computação no CNPq. Desde 2008 é conselheiro titular do Comitê Gestor da Internet – Foi coordenador do Grupo de Trabalho 10.5 da IFIP – International Federation for Information Processing, entre 2001 e 2007. Desenvolve pesquisa na área de Engenharia da Computação, atuando principalmente no projeto de hardware e software de sistemas eletrônicos embarcados.
Resumo:This talk addresses the main entities, forums, actors, and processes involved in the international Internet Governance ecosystem. It considers not only the classical technical functions, related to domain names, IP numbers, and technical standards, but also the complex social, economic, political and cultural aspects shaping the current debate around Internet Governance. It also discusses the national ecosystem in Brazil and the main challenges facing both the international and national processes, especially the adoption of the multistakeholder governance model.
Título: A Web na era da Realidade Mista
Palestrante: Diogo Cortiz (CEWeb.Br)
Resumo: Realidade Mista, algumas vezes chamada de Realidade Híbrida, é uma área que explora, projeta e cria interações para fundir o mundo real com o mundo virtual e produzir um novo ambiente em que objetos reais e virtuais possam co-existir e interagir em um mesmo espaço-tempo. Há décadas, os cientistas, pesquisadores, engenheiros e artistas trabalham para explorar os limites de interação entre o real e o virtual. Desde o projeto Sensorama, na década de 60, muitas pesquisas e protótipos vêm ajudando a desenvolver o conhecimento nessa área, que parece ter alcançado o seu estágio de viabilidade tecnológica nos últimos anos com o avanço do poder de processamento de imagem dos computadores atuais. O objetivo desta apresentação é explorar os principais conceitos de realidade virtual e realidade aumentada, e suas principais aplicações no contexto da Web, como vídeo 360º, second screen, games e social media immersion. Também se discutirá sobre as influências destas tecnologias para a construção do futuro da Web e a necessidade do rompimento do paradigma de janelas para a criação de ambientes imersivos e interativos.