XV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing
07 - 10 October 2002, Fortaleza, Brazil

Video Festival - Call for Submissions

[ Objectives | Video Categories | Submission | Address| Dates | Contact ]


The Video Festival is a traditional video exhibition that takes place during the International Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing. It is an exhibition dedicated to present videos generated with computer graphics or digital video processing techniques. The Video Festival is a privileged place where computer graphics video makers can share experiences and exhibit their productions to a selected and specialized international audience.

The Video Festival Committee invites and welcomes submissions of videos produced by the full range of computer graphics video makers, including, research groups, students, computer graphics technical professionals, computer animators and advertising agencies.

Video Categories

The Video Festival Committee classifies the videos in two different categories with different evaluation criteria:

Selection, Exhibition and Prizes

All submissions will be evaluated by the Video Festival Committee according to the criteria of its respective category -- Technical and Creativity. Only the best submissions will be selected for exhibition during the International Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing 20002 - SIBGRAPI 2002. The Video Festival Committee will grant Certification of Participation to the authors of the selected videos.

The Committee will also grant prizes to the best videos of each category. Additionally, after de exhibition, the best according to the audience's opinion will be selected by voting. The audience best video will also be granted a prize.

Instructions for Submission

The submission must be in one of the following formats: Betacam-SP, Betacam Digital, Digital-S, Mini DV, and S-VHS -- NTSC ONLY.

Please, in order to submit a video read and follow carefully these instructions:

  1. LABEL the videotape cassette with the title of the work and the authors' names.
  2. FILL in the Submission Form (see below) completely.
  3. E-MAIL the Submission Form to (ADDRESS COMING SOON!)
  4. PRINT out the filled in Submission Form, and SIGN it where indicated.
  5. MAIL the videotape cassette together whith the signed submission form to:

Address for submission

Video Festival - SIBGRAPI 2002

We recommend the use of PROPER PACKAGING to avoid damage during transport, and shipping by express mail or courier.

Use a SEPARATE FORM for each submitted work -- even when sending several works in the same videotape. Please, DO NOT FORGET to label de cassette with the titles of all submissions and names of the respective authors.

WE CANNOT ACCEPT submissions with forms that were sent only by e-mail or fax, are incomplete or illegible, or do not have legally binding signatures.

Videotape CASSETTES, selected or not for exhibition, WILL NOT BE RETURNED.

It is also important to observe that any decision of the Committee is final and no review is possible.

We strongly discourage submissions longer than 3 minutes.

Submission form for downloading:

Important Dates


For questions or comments about the Video Festival, please, contact the Video Committee.

Last update: Wed Jan 16 16:00 EDT 2002 by LM.