XVI Workshop on Ongoing Thesis and Dissertations (WTD)

The XVI Workshop on Ongoing Thesis and Dissertations of WebMedia (WTD) is a forum dedicated to the presentation and discussion of ongoing MsC and PhD work in the areas of Multimedia, Hypermedia and Web. The main goal of WTD-WebMedia is to stimulate discussion and to provide students with feedback on their current work. In addition, the community will have an overview of the national research status in the area. The Workshop also aims at stimulating integration and cooperation of researchers giving a wider visibility of the current research for the academic and industrial community.

All papers submitted to the WTD-WebMedia will be peer-reviewed by members of an Evaluation Committee. The selected papers will be presented during the Workshop and will receive feedback from experienced researchers. We expect to favor, at the end of the event, the integration amongst Universities, students and professors.

Authors are invited to submit original work, containing the proposals and partial results of their scientific or technological research activities. The topics are the same as in the main conference, which can be found in the call for papers. All papers must be submitted electronically by the JEMS system. The paper can be written in English or in Portuguese and should contain up to 6 pages.

Submissions must be in PDF, complying with the ACM format. The first page should contain the follow information: Title, Student name, Advisor name, Program (MsC or PhD), University / Graduation Program, Starting date, Expected date for conclusion, keywords and Abstract. The remaining pages should contain the following sections: theoretical background, problem identification, goals, expected contributions, methodology, contributions; current status of the work, and related work. Paper acceptance requires that the student registers for the conference in order to present the work, since the workshop aims at promoting the discussion about the ongoing work.

Important dates

Submission deadline : July 25, 2016 August 15, 2016

Author Notification : September 1st, 2016 September 16, 2016

Camera-ready version : September 12, 2016 September 30, 2016


Celso Alberto Saibel Santos (UFES) – Chair

Pedro de Alcantara dos Santos Neto (UFPI) – Co-chair


celsoalbertosaibelsantos AT gmail.com

Program Committee

André Santanchè (UNICAMP)

Carlos André Guimarães Ferraz (UFPE)

Celso Alberto Saibel Santos (UFES)

Cesar Augusto Camilo Teixeira (UFSCar)

Debora Muchaluat-Saade (UFF)

Jussara Almeida (UFMG)

Marco Cristo (UFAM)

Maria da Graca Campos Pimentel (USP)

Rudinei Goularte (USP)

Valter Roesler (UFRGS)

Accepted papers

  1. Video scene segmentation through an early fusion multimodal approach. Rodrigo Kishi (USP/UFMS – Brazil), Rudinei Goularte (USP – Brazil)
  2. Um Modelo de Distribuição de Tarefas Crowdsourcing Sensível ao Contexto para Administração de Campus Universitário. Maria Clara Pestana (UFBA – Brazil), Vaninha Vieira (UFBA – Brazil)
  3. Um mecanismo de descoberta sensível ao contexto de objetos inteligentes em Internet das Coisas. Felipe Barreto (UFC – Brazil), Windson Viana (UFC – Brazil), Rossana Andrade (UFC – Brazil)
  4. Técnicas de monitoramento via dispositivos móveis: recursos de apoio para o envelhecimento no lugar. Bruna Carolina Rodrigues da Cunha (USP – Brazil), Maria da Graca Campos Pimentel (USP) – Brazil)
  5. PREA: uma estratégia de replicação para Software Defined Storage. Josino Neto (UFPE – Brazil), Vinicius Garcia (UFPE – Brazil), Rodrigo Assad (UFRPE – Brazil)
  6. Modelagem e Desenvolvimento de Jogos Móveis Baseados em Localização. Cristiane Mayara de Ferreira (UFC – Brazil), Windson Viana de Carvalho (UFC-Brazil), Fernando Antonio Mota Trinta (UFC-Brazil)
  7. Ferramenta de Apoio ao Ensino Prático de Computação Ubíqua. Maria Joelma Peixoto (UFC – Brazil), Windson Viana (UFC – Brazil), Wellington Wagner Ferreira Sarmento (UFC – Brazil)
  8. ExCAM – Uma metodologia Crowsourcing para a autoria de conteúdo extra para vídeos. Marcello Novaes (UFES – Brazil), Celso Alberto Saibel Santos (UFES – Brazil), Orivaldo Tavares (UFES – Brazil)